Made Local on BEK News

About Made Local on BEK

"Made Local" offers a unique insight into the entrepreneurial spirit of North Dakota and beyond. Host Lori Hinz takes viewers on a tour to various communities throughout the region to introduce us to the people behind the businesses that help the economy to thrive.

“Made Local” features a range of businesses, from larger enterprises to intimate shops. The program ensures that each business, regardless of size, is recognized for their passion, dedication, and hard work that went into the products that proudly bear the “Made Local” tag.

BEK TV takes tremendous pride in celebrating the rich tapestry of people and places that form the heart of North Dakota and its surrounding areas. Lori Hinz on “Made Local” introduces viewers to the people and their remarkable products, because they’re not just local treasures, they are among the finest goods one can find anywhere in the world.

Airs Sundays at 8:30PM CT. All episodes are archived and can be view any time here on

BEK News

BEK TV now includes BEK News programming every weekday. Watch BEK TV statewide on KNGF CH-27 in Fargo/Grand Forks, KNDB CH-26 in Bismarck/Dickinson, and KNDM CH-24 in Minot/Williston. Visit BEK.News for full schedule and BEK.TV local cable channel listings.